Fortimail Kuyruktaki Maillerin Temizlenmesi
execute maintain mailqueue clear age 23d
execute cleanqueue
bu komutla fortimailde kuyrukta olan mailleri temizlersiniz.
fortimail queue console clear
age <time_str>
Enter an age between 1 hour and 10 years. The FortiMail unit deletes mail messages in the mail queues greater than this age. The age consists of an integer appended to a letter that indicates the unit of time: h (hours), d (days), m (months), or y (years). |
yaş <time_str>
1 saat ile 10 yıl arasında bir yaş girin. FortiMail birimi, bu yaştan daha büyük posta kuyruklarındaki posta mesajlarını siler. Yaş, zaman birimini belirten bir harfe eklenen bir tam sayıdan oluşur: h (saat), d (gün), m (ay) veya y (yıl). |
mail # execute ? soru işareti ile alttaki bilgileri alırsınız
backup backup
backup-restore backup-restore
central-mgmt central management
certificate certificate
checklogdisk find and correct errors on the log disk
checkmaildisk find and correct errors on the mail disk
cleanqueue clean email files in defer queue
date set date and time
db db
endpoint endpoint
factoryreset reset to factory default
fips fips
formatlogdisk format log disk to enhance performance
formatmaildisk format mail disk to enhance performance
formatmaildisk_backup format mail disk to enhance performance, try to backup user mailbox to log disk before formatting
ha send commands to ha
ibe-data IBE data
maintain maintain
nslookup nslookup
partitionlogdisk change log/mail partition split
ping ping <host name | host ip>
ping-option ping option settings
ping6 ping <host name | host ipv6>
ping6-option ping6 option settings
raid raid
reboot reboot the system
reload reload appliance
restore restore
shutdown shutdown appliance
smtptest test if we can connect to an SMTP server
storage storage
telnettest test if we can telnet to a server
traceroute traceroute
update update
user-config user defined config